Tuesday, January 19, 2010

McKemy Middle

First off, happy birthday to Marian Price! She's 21 today. It's a good age, so think of her and wish her a happy birthday.

Today was an off day so I went to McKemy Middle School to talk to the PE classes. The kids were very receptive and had lots of questions.

There were a couple kids that came up to talk to me afterward about how they could help besides telling people about kids getting arthritis. Some other kids were very interested in how someone "learns how to run a marathon everyday without dying." I liked figuring out how to answer that one.

Tomorrow I continue my trek east and start going into the canyons. Pretty soon I'll be in the mountains... Plan for the worst and hope for the best. That's all I can do for now.

-- Patrick


  1. Thank you, Patrick! As you have figured out, I check your blog every day Thank you very much. It made our day!

    But now on to the serious stuff. I am a runner so I have running questions. How often do you have to change shoes? Are you running the entire time? Do you walk some? Do you eat while running? You mention your favorite PB&J, but are there other things? How about water? Or is it Gatorade?

    We will be praying for your safety thru the canyons and mountains. Cindy

  2. Very cool that you took time from your day off to go and speak to the children at the school...Good luck in the mountains.

  3. Cindy, I change shoes every 500 miles so after today, I'll change into my second pair of shoes. I run most of the time but I do take walking breaks and I walk all the super steep hills. There's no point in burning myself out on the big hills. I'm not in a race. I do eat while running. Gu, cookies, trail mix, pb and j, you name it, I'll eat it. And I actually only drink water when I run. Gatorade doesn't always agree with my stomach when I'm running. I get electrolytes from Enduralytes. They are an electrolyte capsule. But I usually only take those during ultra races. Most of the time these days I get enough salt and electrolytes from food.
    Feel free to ask any questions.

  4. Patrick, Hope that you enjoyed your day off. And I hope that you get more chances to talk to kids, awareness and understanding is so important. Even in high school kids don't recognize why someone who is happy and seemingly heathly can be in so much pain when its time to do something ordinary.

    Your writting style is perfect for blogs. I hope you continue after the run.
    Dennis Sullivan Clear Blue Skies to you!

  5. We appreciated having you talk to all of our classes! It was a wonderful day and all of the kids really enjoyed it. We keep them updated on how you are doing. Our thoughts are with you on your journey East!

    -Coach Jen
    -Coach Benson
    -Coach Pratt
